Open source dialers are a type of software that allows businesses to make and manage outbound calls. They are typically used by contact centers, but can also be used by businesses of all sizes. Open source dialers offer a number of advantages over traditional dialers, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Open source dialers are typically much more affordable than commercial dialers.
  • Flexibility: Open source dialers are highly customizable, so you can tailor them to your specific needs.
  • Scalability: Open source dialers can be scaled up or down as your business grows.

Types of Open Source Dialers

There are a number of different types of open source dialers available. Some of the most popular types include:

  • Predictive dialers: Predictive dialers automatically dial numbers until a live person answers. This can help you to improve your call volume and productivity.
  • Preview dialers: Preview dialers allow you to listen to a voicemail or answer machine message before you dial the number. This can help you to avoid wasting time calling numbers that are not answered.
  • Power dialers: Power dialers allow you to dial multiple numbers at the same time. This can help you to reach more people in a shorter amount of time.

Benefits of Using Open Source Dialers

There are a number of benefits to using open source dialers. Some of the most important benefits include:

  • Cost-effectiveness: As mentioned above, open source dialers are typically much more affordable than commercial dialers. This can save you a significant amount of money, especially if you have a large contact center.
  • Flexibility: Open source dialers are highly customizable, so you can tailor them to your specific needs. This means that you can get exactly the features that you need, without having to pay for features that you don’t use.
  • Scalability: Open source dialers can be scaled up or down as your business grows. This means that you can start with a small dialer and then scale it up as your business needs grow.
  • Security: Open source dialers are typically very secure. This is because the source code is open, so anyone can review it for security vulnerabilities.

How to Choose an Open Source Dialer

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing an open source dialer. Some of the most important factors include:

  • Features: Make sure that the dialer has the features that you need. This includes features such as predictive dialing, preview dialing, and power dialing.
  • Scalability: Make sure that the dialer can scale up or down as your business grows.
  • Security: Make sure that the dialer is secure. This is especially important if you will be using the dialer to collect sensitive data.
  • Support: Make sure that the dialer has good support. This is important if you have any problems with the dialer.


Open source dialers are a cost-effective way to improve your contact center. They offer a wide range of features, including predictive dialing, call recording, and CRM integration. If you are looking for a way to improve your contact center, then an open source dialer is a great option.